WEDNESDAY decemBER 11TH from 7:00pm
The 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Wanneroo Basketball Association has been scheduled for Wednesday December 11th, in the Wolves Function Room at HBF Arena, commencing at 7.00pm.
The following documents are provided to the membership, in accordance with the obligations set out in the club’s Constitution.
Notice of AGM & Invitation of Motions
Please find formal notice of AGM below.
Appointment of Proxy
Please find the appointment of a proxy form below.
Board Nomination
Please find the Board nomination form below.
Please note the below and consider carefully
Under the WBA Constitution, a person may be eligible for a Board member position ONLY if the person –
i. is an individual who has reached 18 years of age;
ii. is a financial Playing, Associate or Life Member
iii. is a person who is, according to the Interpretation Act 1984 section 13D, not bankrupt or person whose affairs are under insolvency laws
iv. has provided appropriate, current Police clearance for the purposes of fitness as an individual
v. will not earn more than a maximum of $2,400 p.a. (or $200 in any calendar month) in a remunerated role within the WBA, in relation to Association or competition activities.